Pili Nut , my native land

Hi, I’m Vicky from Naga City, Bicol Region, Philippines
where there are many foods grown wild, organically and farmed. Our region is in
the land of Mayon Volcano that erupted several times making the soil very rich in vitamins and minerals. This is some of the most fertile land in all the world
and where the Pilinut originates from. It is a very tall tree with fruit that appears similar to a small Avocado, but that encases a very special nut called pili (peely).

Pili nut (Pilinut)

Pilinut is so Soft enough that anyone can eat it, melt in your mouth. Try it to believe it.

The outer “nut” shell is very hard, then the skin is very thick. Through processes over lifetimes of local farmers in the Philippines, the final product
is the bare-naked pilinut. It must be cooked, roasted or dried in order to preserve it for human consumption. The finished product is in many popular flavors such as roasted raw, sea salted, garlic, honey or chili.  Pili has been enjoyed by our Region for many generations and I want to share this special nut with you. Enjoy this melt in your mouth mild nutty flavor with the gentle hint of butter taste.

Baru nut

Barunuts from the baduzeda tree, high protein (all essential aminos), 300% more antioxidants than an almond, Grown in the wild near the Amazon River Forest.

Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are a True rare nut from wild natural forests in Asia where it takes 25-50 years before they seed and then once every two years for harvest.

Like the Pilinut, Pine nuts grow very high 60-100ft up in the tree making it another dangerous process for picking as it must be picked by hand.

Pine nuts are edible kernels extracted from the seed of a variety of species of pine tree. The seeds are typically thick-shelled

Tiger Nuts

There have been no Tigers harmed in the making of this product. :)

What is a Tiger Nut? Tiger nuts are tubers, not actually nuts. They get their name due to the stripes on the exterior. Examples of tubers are sweet potatoes, beets and carrots.

Tiger nuts were buried in tombs with Egyptians, ancient tools have traces of them and they are from West Africa, Fun fact: They require 95% less water than almonds. 

They are a carbohydrate adding some sweetness, but are high in fiber making them a very good digestive food.

Button label


Are pistachios a nut? The pistachio isn't a nut. It is a “drupe,” a fleshy tree fruit that contains a shell-covered seed.

One of the richest sources of Melatonin that there is. (Melatonin is one of only two antioxidants in mitochondria, this is why your brain releases it during sleep as a healing / repair of mitochondria, they do not make you sleepy). Those mitochondria make ATP and its hard work, they get damaged and melatonin helps repair it. Plants produce melatonin to help repair chloroplasts (their version of Mitochondria) due to sunlight damage. reduces oxidized LDL (bad cholesterol). Strong polyphenol content, great fiber content, Vitamin B6, potassium, Strong immune boost to create Butyrate - gut bacteria - that works as a substrate to produce keystones and tremendous anti cancer.


The American hazelnut (also known as the American filbert) is a native shrub of the eastern United States. The tasty nuts are highly prized by cooks for their easy-to-crack shells and small, sweet kernel. Squirrels love them as well ... most likely for the same reasons.


The Richest nut in the world. The trees originated in the coastal rainforests and scrubs in Australia. They are a good source of calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B, and they contain 73 percent fat. A small handful is enough for a day.

Their shell is so hard that a machine is used to crack them so they can be cultivated with minimal damage.

Blanched Almond

Marcona almonds are a type of sweeter, gourmet almond from Spain that involves a removal of the skin. Often believed to make the nut sweeter to the taste.

Red Walnuts

Red Walnuts have exceptional flavor and nutritional value which has made them very popular very fast. They are a large hard-shelled walnut with lavish red kernels that are both a bit oilier and more nutritious than the traditional tan brown walnut

They are particularly rich in Copper, Vitamin E, Manganese, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron


The pecan is a species of hickory native to the southern United States and northern Mexico in the region of the Mississippi River.

Dietary Fiber, Good source of fiber: 3 grams/11% of the Daily Value
Protein: 3 grams of plant-based protein

Healthy Fats: 20 grams of total fat: 60% is from monounsaturated fat and 30% from polyunsaturated fat

Nutrient-Dense Excellent source of copper and manganese

Good source of thiamin and zinc

High in total flavonoids
